Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Jingle Bell Rock

Use this link to learn our Christmas sing-along song!  Year 4 will be the best!

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Use this video to help you find fractions of amounts.

String Cup Telephones

We were investigating how sound travelled over distance in science.  We made string cup telephones to see how sound travelled.  Can you remember the explanation for why we could hear the sound from a further distance using these telephones?

Thursday, 23 November 2017

We made our own science TV shows about the science of sound!  Take a look and leave a comment to tell us what you learned!

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Sound Loudness

2X Table Games

We are working on our 2x table at the moment.  We have been playing a board game to help us with this and we made fortune tellers to test each other's knowledge.  If you see us around school, ask us a question!

Division by Chunking

Today, we were learning how to divide using the chunking method.  We went to our new learning lab to do our working out on the whiteboard tables!  We used cubes to help us!

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Tricky Tangrams

We had a tangram puzzle to solve.  We needed to create a square, right angled triangle and two squares of equal sizes from seven different triangles and quadrilaterals.  We found it tricky but we persevered!  Three pairs were able to make a square and one pair was able to make a right angled triangle! 

Friday, 29 September 2017

Giant's Pencils

This week in maths we have been multiplying numbers by 10 and 100.  We applied our knowledge by making pencils for a giant by measuring our own pencils, multiplying them by 10 and then drawing new ones.  Can you imagine writing with a pencil this big?

Testing Circuits

This week in science we have been testing whether different circuits work to see if we could light a lamp.  Most of our predictions were correct!